Earth Care Pledge:

Our worship and discipleship will celebrate God’s grace and glory in creation.

Our education will encourage and support each other in keeping and healing the creation.

Our facilities will be managed, maintained, and upgraded to respect and cherish all creation.

Our outreach will encourage community involvement and public policy to protect and restore the earth.

Plastic Free July –

Learn more:

Reduce kitchen waste:

  • Be mindful of perishables in your refrigerator to be used rather than tossed.

  • Start a compost pile to reduce the waste sent to the landfill. Its easier than you’d think, and you’ll be amazed how much compostable scraps you have in a week!

Reduce single-use disposables:

  • Use washable napkins and dishtowels rather than throwaway paper ones.

  • Avoid plastic containers where possible. Buy beverages in cans (aluminum is still recyclable) or try brewing your own iced tea!

Reduce beef consumption:

  • Eat beef one less time per week. Replacing it with a vegetarian meal is terrific, but even another animal protein will have an impact

Repurpose old clothing:

  • donate to a local thrift store
  • use the clothing donation bin in the church parking lot

Unity Tree with Temple Shalom 

Earth Care –

Seeking to be Good Stewards of God’s Creation 

 Eliminate plastic with a few simple changes:

Church Gardens 

Eco- Palms

Earth Day Worship


Support Missionary Chenoa Stock

The Joining Hands Peru Network was started in the 1990s with the help of the Presbyterian Hunger Program. The member organizations work at the grassroots level, accompanying communities and non-governmental organizations as they empower at-risk communities and challenge systems that generate hunger and cause environmental depredation.